
Generosity makes love grow and much more!

The Green Tree is a purely non-profit project and finances itself - in the spirit of the ancient Buddhist tradition - purely through donations and volunteer work. The retreat house serves solely the practice and transmission of the Buddhist tradition and does not serve any commercial interests.

You can transfer a donation directly with a bank transfer (there are no costs for us), with our donation widget or via Paypal. There are small fees for the latter two.

Dana Questions

The practice of the Dana

Dana means generosity. The practice of the liberating quality of generosity has played a central role in the Buddhist tradition for 2,500 years. The teachings, the transmission of this treasure of experience is considered priceless, and we show our appreciation by supporting the conditions that sustain their transmission and practice for future generations. Teachers give the Dharma unselfishly, offering their time and knowledge without payment. In return, students take care of the basic needs of the teachers and for future generations. Dana is an expression of our appreciation and a way of saying thank you from the heart.

Generosity opens the heart, it reduces self-centeredness and gives special importance to the welfare of others. In doing so, we are really giving of ourselves: of our own time, energy, and material resources. The value of the gift is of little importance; the heartfelt giving is what really matters. Generosity is always voluntary; it should not be demanded. It is part of the natural flow of giving and receiving in this world – and it usually begins with receiving, just as it did in our childhood… Generosity produces many fruits; one wonderful one is that concern for ourselves continues to dissolve. Generosity makes love grow and much more.

Our donation account

Important: Please always include “Donation” in the intended purpose!

Empfänger: Ekayana gGmbH
IBAN: DE47 4306 0967 7926 6871 00
Bank: GLS-Bank Bochum
Verwendungszweck: Donation Retreat House


If you want to use Paypal directly to support us:

For a donation receipt, please provide your address!

Donation certificates

Your donation is deductible. For a donation amount of less than 300 € per year, a copy of your bank statement in connection with the printout of the donation order is sufficient.

For a donation amount over 300 € per year, you will automatically receive a confirmation from us for the tax office, provided that your address is known.

Donation receipts Switzerland

As a non-profit organization for the promotion of art and culture, there is the possibility to receive a donation receipt valid in Switzerland. If you are interested, please contact us first and then follow the procedure indicated in the TGE information sheet.

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Update: Februar 2021

Improve/support media library!

I want to help improve/support the media library!

…write missing summaries…

If a recording or text lacks a summary, please help us write one! A summary is essentially a few sentences that summarize the content and set the context. It may also include chapter and/or page numbers if the teaching follows a book.

Please send your summary in 20-200 words to .

…Provide chapter and/or page numbers of transcripts/books…

Provide us with the chapter and/or page numbers in the transcript or book so we can include them in the name of each video/audio. This information can help future users find specific text/book content in the audio/video file.

Send your notes to or write them directly in the file names and transfer the entire media content to us.

…create a missing transcript…

If you would like to write a transcript of a course, please contact us first to make sure the transcript does not already exist.

…make a donation…

Ekayana gGmbH (Green Tree) is a purely non-profit project and finances itself – in the spirit of the ancient Buddhist tradition – only through donations and volunteer work. The retreat house serves exclusively the practice and transmission of the Buddhist tradition and does not serve any commercial interests.


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Erklärung zum Ekayana Logo

Ekayana Institut Logo mit Tagline

Das ausführliche Ekayana-Logo besteht aus

  • der Bildmarke (Kreis) ,
  • der Wortmarke (Name) sowie
  • dem erläuternden Schriftzug (Tag Line).


Der Kreis symbolisiert Untrennbarkeit, Einheit und Zeigt Ekayana KreisLichthaftigkeit. In seiner Mitte ist eine gedachte Mondscheibe, die für erwachte Aktivität und den Geist des Erwachens steht. Die leuchtenden Übergänge und das leere Innere weisen hin auf die ungreifbare Natur aller Erfahrungen, ihren dynamischen Aspekt, die Freude des Erwachens und die leuchtende Weite des alles erhellenden Geistes.

Die 3 Farben verweisen auf die 3 Silben Oṁ Āḥ Hūṁ der tibetisch-buddhistischen Tradition, die für Körper, Rede und Geist des Erwachens stehen und, die jeweils weiß, rot und blau dargestellt werden. Auf einer tieferen Ebene symbolisiert der Kreis die Einheit der drei Dimensionen des Erwachens – mitfühlende Manifestation, freudige Dynamik und ungreifbare Offenheit.


Der (grau-) weiße Name von Ekayana steht in diagonaler Wechselwirkung mit dem entsprechenden weißen Teil des Kreises, als würde die entsprechende Silbe Oṁ der erwachten Aktivität ins Ekayana ausstrahlen.

Erläuternder Schriftzug (Tag Line)

Ekayana bedeutet Ein Weg oder „Ein Fahrzeug“. Gemeint ist der eine (Eka) Weg (yāna), bei allem liebevoll gewahr zu sein. Dies ist die eine Essenz buddhistischer Praxis: gewahr zu sein und sich immer wieder auf das Wesentliche zu besinnen (sati, smti), d.h. auf Liebe, Mitgefühl und Weisheit.